
DAY trip.

Oldonyolengai, “Mountain of God” in the Maasai language. This is an active volcanic mountain located in the Gregory Rift, south of Lake Natron with in the Arusha region of Tanzania. The summit of this strato-volcano is 2,962 metres above sea level. Part of the volcanic system of the East African Rift, it uniquely produces natro carbonatite lava. The 1960 eruption of Oldonyolengai led to geological investigations that finally confirmed the view that carbonatite rock is derived from magma. The carbonatite ash spread over the surrounding grasslands leads to a uniquely succulent, enriched pasture. This makes the area a vital stage on the annual wildebeest migration, where it becomes the nursery for the birth of several thousand calves. Oldonyolengai volcano climb is a 12-14 hours excursion. An overnight ascent to the summit of the famous “Mountain of God”. Climbing the mountain is an unforgettable and mystical experience. Contact Us on how you can incorporate Mt. Oldonyolengai into your safari itinerary.

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